Author: Sean

Trump is a Serial Liar

Trump is a Serial Liar

Editorial: Trump doesn’t want your vote in 2024. Just your obedience while he trashes the U.S. again and again.

Donald Trump isn’t just a serial liar; he’s a serial sociopath who is mentally ill and who thinks he is a prophet, but who is utterly lacking in any kind of political morality. He doesn’t just say weird things; he also believes them, and then he attacks his accusers (and anyone else who disagrees with him), calling them names, which they can’t defend. In order to further his political career, Trump needs your vote in the next election so that he can continue ruining this country, and that means you have to be obedient.

The more Trump spends on his campaign, the more money goes to his own pockets and the more his cronies enjoy, with the ultimate result being that every single person in the country who has tried to tell Trump to stop his attacks on others is ignored, and he keeps attacking them. If Trump was truly a man of honor and integrity, he would make his campaign contributions available to any person who had been attacked, no matter how small the amount. He would donate whatever money he has to charities that help victims of sexual assault. He would quit attacking his accusers to let them defend themselves. He would stop lying about his opponents’ backgrounds, because that’s what makes him a bully and an unrepentant liar.

On the other hand, Donald Trump is a liar, and he lies in virtually every way imaginable. He lies about the weather; he lies about women. He lies about the border wall that he didn’t build and the border fence that he didn’t build. He lies about everything. He lies about everything. He lies about the economy, about the unemployment rate, about the Federal Reserve, about the stock market, about everything. He lies about the economy, about the

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