Author: Sean

Traveling with Your Kids for the Holidays

Traveling with Your Kids for the Holidays

Flying Alone With Your Kids? Make Sure You Have Proof of Your Relationship

By Victoria Hsu

As a mother of three, I am definitely someone who likes to spend as much time as possible with my babies. We go from day to night every day, and on some days it seems like I have more time to myself than I do at any other time in my life. My husband works out of town, so there’s time to stay home and play, and I know I have my parents and sisters to spend quality time with, too. My kids are often with me long before they are ready for a nap, and I know they’ll be with me even if they are still in bed by the time dinner is ready!

But with the holidays approaching, we’ve already been on our holiday dates, and I am so glad because I know I have my family with me during the holidays. But then I read a story about a mother who traveled alone with her three children. She decided she knew her children would be safe, so she left them in Chicago with her mom:

As a former elementary school teacher, I have always taught that one of the most basic things you can do for your child is to teach and practice healthy habits. You can start on the day your child is born and continue as they grow older, like when they are in the first or second grade. But what if you choose to travel with your children for a few days during the holidays when they are too young to be left alone with their parents?

Yes, the holidays are an exciting time of year, but it can also be scary and overwhelming. A lot of times, I don’t know how my children will react to the holiday travel. For the first time, I am traveling with my kids by myself, on my own, for the very first time. Will they do well? Not really, but we’ve been doing this for years, and we’ve always managed. The first thing we always do when we travel is to look for someone to help us with all the things we’ll be doing, and we always know someone will be there. We never think twice about it.

But how likely is it that you

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