Author: Sean

The Story of a Gunshot

The Story of a Gunshot

After Target stabbing, 9-year-old boy will spend Thanksgiving in an L.A. hospital

Jacob Cruz is walking to the store with his family. They have been in the line at the grocery store for about an hour. His father, Miguel Cruz, left after 10 minutes. Jacob has not yet reached the store to buy a box of cereal, but his family can’t wait any longer. Jacob’s 12-year-old sister, Emma Cruz, tells him to get away from the line, and he stomps on the box of cereal trying to get them away. That pushes the family into the grocery store’s check out line. Miguel Cruz tells the man at the check out register that he is a police officer. That gives him a second to grab his knife. Miguel jumps into the line and starts stabbing people. After stabbing a few people, he switches to children. He grabs their shirts and stabs their stomachs. Miguel Cruz runs out of the store. His wife, Anaya Cruz, watches helplessly as Miguel screams and runs into the crowd of shoppers. Anaya goes after him. Miguel Cruz pulls out a gun and shoots Anaya dead. He then turns the gun on himself.

Hospital staff tell Emma Cruz they need to get her to the hospital. She asks where he is. Nurses tell her that he has been admitted to the hospital. She goes to the bathroom and finds a note her father wrote. She tells the staff in the bathroom that she is going to go to the hospital. At the hospital, hospital staff tell the doctors they need to get the boy and his family out of the emergency room. A doctor tells the staff he has just been treated for a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the abdomen. They need to make a decision. The doctors say they need to put the boy into surgery right away. Emma tells the doctors that they need to make a decision because the boy is her brother. She also says that his father took a piece of paper that she wanted. The doctors find a piece of paper that looks like the ones they found in the note. The doctors say they don’t have time to go through the note because they are operating on the boy right away. The doctors tell the family they are going to put the boy through surgery and then they will take him home. The boy’s mother, Monica Cruz, looks back at the hospital staff, and for the first time sees Jacob in the hospital. She says, “Please. Let mom

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