Author: Sean

Protecting Children During Heat Waves

Protecting Children During Heat Waves

Op-Ed: California makes it too hard for schools to shield kids from extreme heat

We know it’s not a question of if heat waves will strike California, but when — and what will be done to protect our children from the very worst of it.

We know that the majority of schools across California are unable to cool their classrooms effectively, resulting in kids shivering in classrooms, on benches and in the parking lot as it is too hot to leave the building.

We also know that while schools are not well protected from extreme heat, the government at every level is in denial and continues to try to push the agenda, as they are required, to protect special interests, including the oil industry, the dairy industry, Big Pharma and pharmaceuticals, and others.

This is about protecting our children, and protecting our schools.

We know that children are especially vulnerable to heat because they are developing, and are especially active during the summertime.

We also know that children in California are not at the best of health during hot weather, contributing to their vulnerability because of not being able to drink enough water, eat what they need and the high level of vitamin D they must get from the sun to stay healthy.

We also know children are not getting enough quality nutrition especially while getting the most out of the school lunch program, including the fruit and vegetable portions that are necessary to help our children stay healthy.

We also know that children are not getting enough exercise for at least three reasons: school buildings are air-conditioned and heated, so kids are unable to exercise in these buildings; they cannot go outside in the heat; and, as is the case with the other reasons, they are not getting the recommended amount of sunlight as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

The science

While there is much scientific research that does support the idea that kids can benefit from exercise, the reality is that there are very few

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