Author: Sean

Liz Truss: The Tory MP who was never held accountable for her actions

Liz Truss: The Tory MP who was never held accountable for her actions

Op-Ed: Liz Truss’ downfall won’t end trickle-down economics

Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn on the doorstep of Downing Street in London on December 13, 2019, after Theresa May, leader of the Conservative Party, won a confidence vote in the House of Commons.

Liz Truss: She had no more chance of getting away with her behaviour than a drunken businessman having an argument with his boss over his salary. No one is beyond the law, or outside the process.

Truss, for those who don’t follow news, is the chief secretary to the Treasury (Cabinet Office), appointed by the then-leader of the Conservatives.

Theresa May’s government was in full meltdown at the time of her appointment. And she’s been a wreck ever since her arrival at Number 10.

Truss’ role and position within the government is more or less the same – she’ll play around a bit, and have some fun at home – but she was never held accountable for her actions.

She was never held accountable for her conduct.

This is a key part of what happened to the rest of us when the Tories became the minority government and lost power after the election when we had a hung parliament.

Theresa May is not a normal Tory MP, at least not to the extent that any of us normal Tories were to blame. After all, there were enough Tories within the government, and in the party, for which to give a speech to the party faithful in the House of Commons and say: “This is what I think.”

But here’s what we didn’t do:

We never held her accountable for her actions. We never even asked her to.

Truss has been a career civil servant who never even worked with the people she’s worked in charge of – the civil servants have no idea how she operated, what she did or how she handled her job.

We didn’t hold her accountable because we never saw her

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