Author: Sean

Joe Biden’s remark on energy production

Joe Biden’s remark on energy production

Republicans rip Biden’s energy agenda after he vows ‘no more drilling’ in US waters

The Democrats have chosen Joe Biden, who has a penchant for saying odd and confusing things, to be their leader in 2020. So far, Biden has no policy proposals to tout, and his name has been dragged through the mud by a bunch of critics, including many who had previously praised him.

The Biden campaign released new data Thursday, saying that over 70 percent of the jobs created from the drilling boom have been in the coal industry.

“He has consistently said that he would not take a single drop of oil from the US shoreline.”

“He has consistently said that he would not take a single drop of oil from the US shoreline,” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said, according to Roll Call. “You can tell he has a chip on his shoulder.”

A new poll from Pew Research Center finds that a “big majority of Democrats think that energy production should be more restricted in the US than it currently is.”

“When asked if US oil and gas production should be allowed to remain unrestricted, 51 percent of Democrats said yes, 24 percent said no and 19 percent did not know,” according to the report. “Among Republicans, just 34 percent of respondents said they would want this restricted, while 67 percent said this should be allowed unrestricted.”

The poll also found that “two-thirds of Democrats — compared with just half of Republicans — would support drilling in U.S. waters in some form from a national energy strategy,” according to Reuters.

“We know that Biden has a penchant for saying odd and confusing things,’’ Schumer said. “And when you find out he’s going to say the first words he ever said on a debate stage, it’s not surprising you get a bunch of questions about it.”

In his opening remark, Biden pointed to an audience of teachers and parents of young people from the South Bronx. He said, “As I have traveled the country, I’ve heard a lot of passionate pleas from parents all across this country about sending their kids to college and not being able to pay for it

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