Author: Sean

How to Find Love, and Stay Happy

How to Find Love, and Stay Happy

Savoring Oregon’s Wine Country, No Driving Required

When we were teenagers, we made a pact to attend high school in Newport, Oregon, from now until forever. There was a small town to explore, great views to see and a wonderful teacher to talk to.

There were three of us: myself, my friend, and our high school’s other good friend – all at the same school, the same high school. We made it a tradition to go to school together, because the school was located in a college town. We’d have each of us drive to school with our favorite snacks in the car. After driving around for a while, we’d find a gas station, and share a couple of beers. We’d get our assignments, and talk, and make plans to go to the mall to shop on Saturday. By lunchtime, we’d find our favorite spots in Newport – the library, McDonald’s, the ice cream shop – so we’d have a good lunch. It was the kind of high school experience where, if you weren’t with your friend, you’d be the only one hungry.

My friend and I went to a local small business school, and that’s how it worked out for the rest of our lives: I went to public school, and he went to college. When we graduated from high school, we both became certified public accountants, and we were living our dream lives. My life was great, and his life was great. And I would have made a great wife for him.

Then he met my current husband, and the whole thing just went south.

Now here I am, stuck in a marriage that is now in its 5th year, and I’m still stuck in a marriage that is going nowhere.

But that’s not my story today. Today I’m sharing some tips on how to find love, and staying happy, and what’s important in your life.


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