Author: Sean

GREG GUTFELD: Florida isn’t doing well

GREG GUTFELD: Florida isn't doing well

GREG GUTFELD: Florida is ‘the opposite’ of the system. If you take the state’s current law, you’ll get one of the highest inflation rates in the country.

GRANT GUTFELD: We’ve actually got the lowest state tax rate. If you take the tax rate, you’ll get one of the lowest inflation rates.

GREG GUTFELD: You’re talking about the fact that your tax rate is lower than the national average?

GRANT GUTFELD: Yes, and in Florida, if you look at the average tax rate, we’re the 10th lowest state in the country.

GREG GUTFELD: What does that mean, lower than the 10th lowest state in the country? Is that good or bad?

GRANT GUTFELD: I think if you think about it, at a higher level, there’s a lot of things that a state like Florida should do better than the rest of the country. One of those things is trying to create an environment where you have the right incentives and it allows you to create jobs. The second thing is creating the right tax and infrastructure incentives, so that you can create that low taxes, low inflation economy. In that way, Florida, if you look at national averages, isn’t necessarily doing well.

GREG GUTFELD: It’s interesting that the governor, a Republican, who’s said if Democrats got in and took over, he would veto it, he’d veto it. But the governor of Florida, Jeb Bush, he says that the bill is all about government interference because it raises taxes and it raises spending.

GRANT GUTFELD: That’s basically what he said. And, obviously, with the governor saying something, the legislature can only say it’s the opposite of what he said it was. What we’re seeing is that the governor and the speaker of the

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