Author: Sean

Greenpeace accuses China of trying to “steal the climate debate” by promoting a growing meat consumption

Greenpeace accuses China of trying to “steal the climate debate” by promoting a growing meat consumption

Climate change is fueling extremism, raising tempers along with temperatures

By William M. Finer

The following column is taken from today’s New York Times Magazine.

“One of the biggest challenges for environmentalists is to convince human beings that climate change is real and urgent.”

— Thomas Friedman, The Times Magazine

(NaturalNews) In November of 2009, I wrote a column with the headline “What Happens When You Stop Eating Organic Foods?” The subtitle was “The Truth About the Green Scare.” This was published in The New York Times for the week ending November 14, 2009. As reported in the Times’ print edition on November 18, 2009 and in the online edition, the column has recently been republished. In the print edition of the print edition, the article was accompanied by a photograph showing a pile of Styrofoam boxes containing the same kind of meat that I was trying to eat when I wrote the column. I was shocked that my column could be so easily discredited, especially after the Times’ print edition had already printed the article and included the photograph for all to read. (The Times’ online edition had an entirely different photograph accompanying my column, in which the boxes were full of meat that was still attached to bone.) I was shocked and disturbed that the newspaper that I had held so close to my heart could be a den of environmental deception.

My column was published six years ago. Since then, I have seen a number of newspapers and magazines repeat and repeat again the same misleading and deceptive tactics used by environmentalists. In the past six years, I have seen my column republished in newspapers and magazines in the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and Europe. The latest publication is a news report in the South China Morning Post, published on April 23, 2016. The paper claims to be an Australian newspaper, but in the print edition of the morning newspaper, the article contains the following headline: “China Says It Can Eat More Because of Climate Change.” The article continues with the following text:

The idea that China can increase its meat consumption and cut CO2 emissions at the same time is being debated around the world. On the other hand, the global environment group Greenpeace has accused the Chinese agriculture ministry of trying to “steal the climate debate” by promoting a growing meat consumption. The ministry rejected the accusation and said it is committed to producing more meat. However, some

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