Author: Sean

Donald Gluck is a racist and anti-Semite

Donald Gluck is a racist and anti-Semite

More antisemitic hate seen in L.A. after Kanye West’s hateful rants

By Robert Frank

Sept. 12, 2016

LOS ANGELES — A few miles down the 405 freeway here, another West Coast liberal is making sure Jews are treated the same way as he does in his hometown of San Francisco.

At a bar called the Red Vic a few weeks ago, Donald Gluck told the bartender, “Hi. My name is Donald Gluck, I was born in San Francisco.”

“Hello,” he added. “And I’m gonna tell you something. I’m gonna tell you something.”

“What?” the bartender asked.

Gluck replied, “That Jews are like the Jews who used to live here in the ‘50s.”

“Well, I’m sorry,” the bartender said. “But the Jews who lived here when I was a kid? They’re long gone.”

Gluck was born in San Francisco in 1944. He grew up in a Jewish household, but he was an anti-Semite as a child, and a racist who was always complaining about black and gay people in general, Gluck said.

“I thought everybody was a black lesbian,” he said.

Then he got to college where he discovered the U.S. Constitution and began to learn about the founding fathers.

He became an anti-Semite and racist.

“That’s a hard combination to pass up,” he said.

Gluck has a new target: Donald Trump.

“He’s gotta see what it’s like to have to deal with all this anti-Semitism,” he said. “It sucks to be him for a minute.”

Gluck made a good guess when he told the Red Vic bartender that he was from San Francisco. But the bartender said he wasn’t really sure, because Gl

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